IMO Model Courses on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has developed a range of oil spill model training courses to address all aspects of marine oil spill planning, response and management.

Method of Course Delivery


   Virtual Learning

These courses follow the IMO Model Courses (2019 Edition), and address all aspects of marine oil spill planning, response and management.

Oil Spill Response Training – Introductory Level (1-day)

Target Group:

This is a general introductory course aimed at providing those with no specific job responsibilities in the preparedness or response to oil spill incidents with an awareness of the subject.

Course Aims and Objectives:
  1. To introduce participants to the subject of oil spill response;
  2. To understand the fate and behaviour of oil when released into the marine environment  and to consider the impact of oil spills;
  3. To introduce participants to the work being carried out by the international community to reduce or prevent oil spills from occurring and, if they do occur, how these incidents are best prepared for and responded to; and
  4. To introduce participants to the range of oil spill response options and techniques that are available to the response managers and responders, in addition to the common challenges that may be faced during a response operation.
Oil Spill Response Training – Level 1 – First Responders (3-day)
Target Group:

The course is aimed at Team Leaders, Supervisors, First Responders and all those working in the field in response to an oil pollution incident.

Course Aims and Objectives:
  1. To understand the principles of oil spill response including the management of field operations and the health and safety aspects of response;
  2. To understand the existing at-sea response techniques that can be used to respond to an oil spill;
  3. To understand the advantages and disadvantages of each oil spill response technique as well as the logistical requirements for their deployment in the field; and
  4. To understand in detail the support issues including waste management and post-response operations.
Oil Spill Response Training – Level 2 – Supervisors and On-Scene Commanders (4-day)
Target Group:

This course is aimed at Incident Managers, On-Scene Commanders, Supervisors and all those working in an incident command centre in response to an oil pollution incident.

Course Aims and Objectives:
  1. To understand the various tactical aspects to be considered during an oil spill response;
  2. To understand the advantages and disadvantages of each oil spill response technique to facilitate their selection of the appropriate response tactics;
  3. To understand in detail the existing oil spill response techniques. This will allow them to turn the incident response strategy into tactical instructions and exercise command and control over the response;
  4. To understand issues that need to be addressed during an oil spill. It focuses very much on overall considerations such as health and safety, logistics, decontamination, waste management and disposal; and
  5. To understand the termination process of a response and to consider the post-incident operations and administrative issues that need to be addressed.
Oil Spill Response Training – Level 3 – Administrators and Senior Managers (4-day)
Target Group:

Aimed at administrators and senior managers with responsibilities for determining preparedness and strategy in response to a marine oil spill.

Course Aims and Objectives
  1. To enable participants to implement an efficient oil spill preparedness and response system;
  2. To understand the key technical aspects of oil spill responses in order to implement an efficient National or Regional Contingency Plan and to respond efficiently to incidents;
  3. To have a deep understanding of management issues they will face during the implementation of a national or regional contingency plan or during an oil spill response. It focuses very much on the organizational aspects of spill response, such as roles and responsibilities and incident management;
  4. To understand the various communication requirements during oil spill response activities; and
  5. To understand the international liability and compensation mechanisms for damages resulting from an oil spill from a ship.

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